by Ann | Sep 8, 2022 | General, Uncategorized
Burrs in Furrrrs And NO I’m not talking about the cold! Have you everspent an invigorating morningon the trailsthen get in the carjust to be confrontedwith THIS? It may look bad, but these are the EASY ones! I never travel without a brush in the car for just...
by Brenda B | Aug 30, 2022 | Dog Grooming
Cuddlesudz Pet Salon 883 Farmington AveBerlin, CT 06037 (203) 535-9682by appointment Berlin is a great town and growing!We are always happy to havenew businesses move in. Join us in welcomingJessica, owner of Cuddlesudz Pet Salon,to our town, Berlin CT! Read More...